Tel No. +91-9755869832 , 6232794876



MP Society Ragistration Act, 1973 -07/33/01/08314/09, Dates :- 07/10/2009

NGO Darpan registration MP/2015/0085808

Our Aims and Objective

Aims and Objectives

To work for the social development of underprivileged individuals, groups and communities.

  • To develop and spread the idea of friendship and fraternity among the people.
  • To encourage healthcare development and health promotion.
  • To assist in the process of social integration and personal realisation of underprivileged children, young people, adults and families.
  • To endorse the human rights and in particular the rights of the children and young people as well as the rights of underprivileged groups and communities.
  • To encourage and popularise voluntary work.
  • Making social changes more visible in implementing and funding
  • To create awareness among the people regarding AIDS etc.
  • To raise funds through collection, donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of aims and objectives of the Samiti.